Creating a Dataset

Project is a development environment for data analysis and artificial intelligence research. When creating a project, select the necessary frameworks, libraries, and resources (machine) and connect the data to the project to provide an optimal environment for research.


  • Dataset Search : Enter the name of the desired dataset.

  • Topic : Select the desired topic and the corresponding dataset will be displayed on the list.

  • Tag : Select the desired tag and the corresponding dataset will be displayed on the list. (You can view multiple topics and tags.)

  • Clear all : Click the “Clear all” button to initialize the selected topic or tag.

  • SortBy : This lets you sort the list of datasets in the order of date of opening or title.

  • Dataset List : You can check the title of the dataset, the date of the update, and the summary description.

  • Create Dataset : You can create a new dataset.

Creating a Dataset

*Only Admin and Creator privileges can create and edit.

Step1 : Dataset Info

On the Data Creation page, enter the title, summary, and detailed description of the data, select a license and subject, and click the “Create” button.

Step2 : Adding Data to a Dataset

  • Enter the detail page of the dataset you want to add data to.

  • Find Data Explorer at the bottom of the “Data and Resources” tab on the detail page.

  • Press the “Upload Files & Folders” button in the upper right corner of Data Explorer.

Step3 : Data Linkage

In the File & Folder Upload window, select File or Folder Upload according to the type of data you want to upload and add to the data.

  • You can upload files or folders in the upload modal. When uploading, you can upload up to 1000 at a time, up to 10GB.

Last updated