What is Admin?
To leverage AI, Yennefer Admin uses Elastic AI Infrastructure technology to organize private clusters and provide flexible and optimized resource utilization based on usage. It also provides flexible and optimized resource utilization based on usage. It also provides GUI management tools that make it easy for administrators in your organization to manage users and resources integrally.
Provided function
The main features provided by Admin are as follows.
Resource Monitoring - Server information and resource status check function
User Management - User search and user information inquiry function - Ability to assign resource and functional rights and control accounts - New user account creation and withdrawal function
Resource Groups and Resource Management
- Resource creation and resource management by group - Project number control function
Project Management - Created project status inquiry and status control function - Project detailed information inquiry function
Dataset Management (function provided by Data Catalog buyer)
- Created dataset status inquiry and status control function - Dataset detailed information inquiry function
System Monitoring
- Provides a visualization dashboard for resource usage
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