Environment Preset

Check the environment preset information used in your project.

Environment presets are IDE environments and libraries that allow you to start developing data analysis and AI algorithmic models. Environment presets are categorized by CPU / GPU. Choose the environment preset you want to use for your project and get started!

CPU Environment Preset

1. Jupyter

A CPU-only container with Python 3.8, 2.7, and R kernels. In addition, we also provide environments for machine learning frameworks such as Python 3.8 version Pytorch and tensorflow2.

2. RStudio R 3.6

It provides a stable version of R, R3.6, and provides a variety of visualization and data processing packages, including ggplot2, and dplyr.

3. RStudio R 4.2

It provides the latest version of R, R 4.2, and offers a variety of visualization and data processing packages, including ggplot2, and dplyr.

4. [Experimental] Jupyter RTC

A CPU-only environment preset with a Python 3.8 kernel. Collaborate with two or more users in real time, including real-time collaboration (RTC) capabilities in Jupyterlab. CAUTION: This is an experimental feature that may cause data changes, so be sure to back up your data when using this feature.


A CPU-only container containing MATLAB, a programming and numerical analysis platform used for data analysis, algorithm development, and model generation. You can perform simple tasks using the CPU.

GPU Environment Preset

1. Jupyter

An environment preset that includes Python 3.8. It provides machine learning frameworks like Pytorch and tensorflow2 and visualization tools like matplotlib. It also comes with pre-installed CUDA and CuDNN libraries that can use GPUs, making it ideal for professional research.


An environment preset that includes MATLAB, a programming and numerical analysis platform used for data analysis, algorithm development, and model generation. Toolboxes for GPU are used and deep learning is installed for professional work.

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